


We incorporate the areas of learning and development into daily activities.

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Our nursery offers a stimulating environment with indoor and outdoor spaces.

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Our Values

Our Values

We strive to instil values and understanding at an early age.

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Quality of Care

Quality of Care

We are registered with Ofsted and were inspected as ‘Good’ in 2023.

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Welcome to Early Years Nursery

The nursery aims to provide the highest quality of care and education within a happy, warm, secure and stimulating environment. These are important formative years and our provision meets the individual needs of all children, enabling them to become confident, happy learners.

The nursery takes children from 2-5 years, is open 48 weeks of the year, and accepts all eligible EYEE funding, including 15 and 30 hours funding. We are located in Bexhill and offer a wide and varied curriculum with indoor and outdoor spaces.

Why Choose Our Nursery

These are key, formative years in your child’s life and we understand how important it is for you to make the right choice for their development and wellbeing.


The nursery aims to provide the highest quality of care and education.


Children are supported to learn through play and the development of their own interests which promotes physical, intellectual, linguistic, emotional and social development.


As a fully inclusive nursery we also provide specialist support for children with additional needs.


The nursery is situated in spacious and inspirational grounds. It provides care for 48 weeks of the year as well as offering both 15 and 30 hour EYEE places.


The specialist nursery team is made up of qualified and experienced nursery practitioners to ensure your child has the best quality of care.


The nursery is registered with Ofsted and was last inspected in 2023. All areas were judged as ‘Good’.

What Ofsted Says:

The nursery is registered with Ofsted and was last inspected in April 2023. All areas were judged as ‘Good’.
You can read the full report here.

Ofsted Good Provider Logo

quotation mark symbolWhere there are disagreements, staff deal with these sensitively and skilfully. They encourage children to speak about their feelings, supporting their understanding of how their actions impact on how others might feel. Children demonstrate a willingness to share and take turns.  quotation mark symbol

Ofsted Good Provider Logo

quotation mark symbolOutside, children have wide-ranging opportunities to develop physically in the fresh air and in an indoor soft-play area. Outside, they practise their balancing skills and use the ride-on toys and bicycles to skillfully negotiate the space to avoid crashes.quotation mark symbol

Ofsted Good Provider Logo

quotation mark symbolChildren with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are well supported. Staff engage with parents to ensure consistent strategies are used at home and in the nursery. Staff seek the advice of external professionals and this helps to support the good progress these children make.quotation mark symbol

Ofsted Good Provider Logo

quotation mark symbolChildren come into the nursery with pleasure and enthusiasm. They independently follow established routines, hanging up their coats and bags. Children eagerly greet their friends and staff alike. They are happy and clearly feel safe and secure in this friendly and nurturing nursery. Children behave well.  quotation mark symbol
